Aniya Rahman

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Destigmatizing Menstruation in Swaziland

Destigmatizing Menstruation in Swaziland

I am inspired in the hope of destigmatizing menstruation and be period positive.

It was one of the days whereby you feel that everything is against you. As a mother of two boys and a girl I did not know what to give my children when they came back from school. I did not know how to use twitter but out of the blue I told my first born son to register me.

Little did I know that four days down the line my life will change. I found Binti Period. It was like everything written in their website was directed to me. For a very long time I carried fear, sadness, bitterness and shame. I was called names, not allowed to do chores, used leaves, rags and newspapers when menstruating. It was like you were cursed. Imagine how far I am, the CEO of Binti Period took her time to call, talk and help me come out. I was nervous but excited. It took me a little while. I still cannot believe it that I am now happy and free.

Today I stand tall that I bleed and I am normal and healthy. My period is a blessing and I am proud of it.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Let us join hands and smash shame and end stigma. Together we can do it.

I am now helping girls and women in my country to overcome this. NO MORE SECRECY & WHISPERS! Say It Forward
